Outdoor Life
Outdoor Gear, Survival Information, and Supplies
Logansboro is situated in the beautiful coastal mountains of Deadwood Oregon.
This Logan family website includes Logan genealogy, Logan family trees, Logan ancestors, Logan ancestry, Logan descendents, surnames in our family tree, research and postings of family genealogy information, quality research links to other genealogy web pages, Logan immigration, the original 13 colonies, prominent and notorious Logan's, Logan family trees going back to Scotland, Ireland, Spain, England, and Holland. It also includes the Deadwood Trading Post and Deadwood Trading Company Store. Please explore this site to learn more. Email us to learn more about Logansboro. Thank you for visiting us.
Outdoor life in Oregon full of fun filled activities. In Deadwood, we enjoy kayaking, float tubes, and even a paddleboat.
Whether your preparation needs are for recreation, a long winter, a severe weather event, or a national crisis you must have the basic Emergency Essentials.
A weekend hiking or camping trip is better enjoyed with thoughful preparation. Fishing abounds in Oregon. The opportunities are endless. ATV's are both enjoyable and dangerous. Safety courses are now required in Oregon. Check with the forest servcie.
Being prepared doesn't have to be boring. A few comforts of home is not out of order. Comfort foods like popcorn or even your favorite warm blanket will go a long way to keep your spirits high in the worst of times.
Quality Food Storage is essential. Todays food processing provides very high quality and long shelf life. Check out some of the links on this page for ideas. Emergency Essentials has proven to be an excellent choice for our home.
Watch out for the bears.
spray. Know your surroundings.
Deadwood has annual power
outages. While the snow days
are welcome and beautiful, they
also very cold without our electric heat. Preparation for these power outages includes wood heat and a generator. We were out of power for several days due to snow. Beautiful but very cold.
With all the uncertainty in the world recently, a back up source
of food is not only smart, it is a necessity. Emergency Essentials
is a great source. Document at right outlines some comparison pricing from this past spring, 2011. Inflation has effected all companies and food sources so current costs are higher than listed.
Develop your own personal survival checklist. Start here.
Growing your own food is a great hobby and provides a fantastic back up plan. Having the correct seeds is extremely important. A survival bank of seeds is a great way to go. See below.

Camp trips to eastern Oregon for family and ATV's is a great vacation. The photo at right of MT Whitney was taken during our trip to Keno, Oregon. Having the right camping gear is essential for a good trip. Freeze dried food makes the camp cooking a little easier. Whether backing packing or RV'ing, enjoying the outdoors requires a little planning, the right gear, and a whole lot of excitement.
The Siuslaw salmon run is incredible. Each fall the Chinook make the run to their tributaries up lake creek, Indian creek, Deadwood creek, and many other small tributaries. Steelhead make the run in the Siulsaw up to Deadwood creek each winter. The water is very high and catching them is a challenge. Their are many guides that float these creeks and rivers.
How about a really creepy fishing adventure.
Here are some creatures from the deep sea.
Shooting / Hunting / Guns and Ammo
My family enjoy recreational shooting. My wife and I have both taken a gun safety course at Siuslaw Gun Club. Finding a handgun that feels comfortable is critical. My wife chose a Hungarian 9X18 Macarov. I am partial to my Smith & Wesson 357. I have been away from hunting for the past 10 years and look forward to getting reacquainted with the sport.
Survival Information
If you have not already done so, now is the time to begin your survival back up plans. Survival checklists and food storage are important whether planning for camping and hiking trips or as a back up plan for in-climate weather, potential natural disasters, or even a national crisis.
I would start with some basic food storage that has a 25 year shelf life. Basic first aid and grab & go back packs are important any time of the year. A trip to the snow can lead to an overnight stay without food, water, or necessities.
Water Sports
The Siulsaw, Lake creek, and even Deadwood creek provide some great floating trips in the summer. My daughter and I adventured down Deadwood creek then into Lake creek in our kayaks for a great afternoon. Great until we reached a turbulent stretch and I had not worn a life jacket. While I am here to talk about it, I will not do that again nor should you. The water was very low and calm. However, after passing through a couple tributaries, the volume of water and the speed increased significantly. Around a bend the canyon narrowed and the water was white and flowing at a high rate of speed. My daughter made it through fine but I clipped a boulder which tipped my kayak which filled with water. The creek was swift enough that I could not prevent the breach and flipped out of the kayak. I spend the next few harrowing minutes pummeled by the rocks as the power of the creek pushed me through 50 yards of hell and near drowning. Needless to say, before venturing out again I will wear my life vest.
Night Sky / Astronomy
There has been some intertesting theories on the upcoming comets Elenin and Honda. Elenin will make a pass through our solar system around October 16th of this year. It is small, only 2-3 miles in diameter and composed mostly of ice and dirt. It will pass within 22 million miles and make little disturbance according to NASA.
Honda is classified as a Jupiter-family comet. Some internet blogs suggest that Elenin might influence Honda and cause some disturbance on earth. Nasa discounts this claim.
This video, The Quickening in very interesting and distrubing at the same time. It claims that the comets passing through could cause some harm. What is more intersting about this video is the discussion about the Mayan calendar and world events.
'Armageddon'? Scientists Plan to Deflect Earth-Bound Asteroids
By Jeremy A. Kaplan
Published August 17, 2011, FoxNews.com
"When most people come to Alaska, they think they got to fly out to go fishing. They think it's going to cost a lot of money," he said.
Earth is not the only planet in our solar system to have giant storms. Space.com has some great pictures of storms on other planets. Like Saturn at right.
Coronal Mass Ejection CME like the one at right, can cause disruption with earth's satellites, navigation systems, and GPS.
The 2011 Astronomy photo competition.
The Northern Lights put on a spectacular display across Northern American.
Mushroom Hunting
Fall is a great time of year in Oregon. A walk in the forest is much different than any other time of year. The forest floor is alive with marvelous mushrooms. Some are deadly, so beware. Other are edible and choice. In the fall we go hunting for the ellusive Cantharellus Cibarius, the Golden Chanterelle. If you can't find any, it is great to have friends. Many other varieties exist and some have a huge payday. Armillaria Caligata, also known in Japan as Armillaria Matsutake.
A row of young Amanita's, poisonous
Amanita Pantherina,
*** Deadly ***
Armillaria Ponderosa ??
When in doubt throw it out!