This year, I'm a senior at the University of Oregon. I'll graduate with a bachelor's degree in English, along with a minor in Medieval Studies, in June of this year. I have yet to decide if I want to continue my education past this point. I've been looking into graduate schools in England; though it would cost about the same, it would be only one year as opposed to two to obtain my master's degree. Another perk of attending an English school is that I would be somewhere that I've always wanted to go.
However, at this point I'm not certain that I would be able to continue my education without some serious burnout. I'm already feeling the effects of having been in school for so long and I think I may look for a job once I have my BA in hand; I can always revisit the idea of an MA at a later date.
Current Favorite Things
-Movie: Dirty Dancing
-Music: Country
-Song: I Wouldn't Be a Man - Josh Turner
-Color: Blue (or my Ducks yellow and green ;) )
-TV Show: Bones
-Quote: "A promise to oneself is the most sacred of promises."
-Pastime: Reading/Writing
My roomies and me with Puddles at the campus Duck Store before Christmas.